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Contact City Council

To contact the Tangent City Council, use the online form provided or email All communications to the City Council and City Staff are subject to Public Records law and may become public under ORS 192. 

Online Steps


Contact Information

The first step in contacting the Tangent City Council is to provide your contact information. 

Do you wish to forward your message to Public Comments

If you wish to contact all Tangent City Council members, you can have your message in the Public Comments section of the Tangent City Council.

By selecting yes, your message will be placed in the Tangent City Council Packet and available for public viewing. However, City Staff may redact sensitive information (for example, social security numbers). It may elect not to place it in the packet, but share it with the council members through email. 

If you select no, your message will not be placed in the City Council Packet and forwarded to all or specific City Council members as requested. While the message may not be publicly available, under ORS 192, a Public Records Request may make the message public. 

City Council Members

Please select which City Council members you wish to contact in this step. If you select that your message be placed in the City Council Packet, Public Comments, it will, by default, go to all City Council members. You may select one or multiple council members. 

Message to the City Council

You may use this space to type or copy-paste your message to the Tangent City Council. In the next step, you can upload a document to the Tangent City Council.

If you plan to upload and not type or copy-paste a message, you may type "please see attachment" and proceed to the next step.  

Optional Upload Document or Image

If you wish, you may upload a document or image.

City Staff may contact you for a physical copy if the file size is too large to be uploaded or a file corruption error occurs. 

Confirmation of Contacting the City Council

This step confirms that you are submitting a message to members of the City Council. Failure to complete this step will result in the message not being forwarded. Please select next and proceed to complete the form.