Prospect Park, NJ
System replaced
Phone calls & Walk-ins Keyword Search

front desk
Reimagining customer service with front office tools and AI support
Online forms and AI features linking into a CRM empowers a small but talented municipal staff to provide their residents with the best possible service 24/7.
Borough Hall faced challenges due to limited resources and a small staff, with only one or two employees per department, with some working part-time. They relied heavily on paper-based processes and basic online forms, which had them in a constant reactive state keeping up with the consistent stream of calls, walk-ins and requests.
By utilizing AI Search on the website and AI voice assistant after hours, Prospect Park staff are able to better serve their public through greater access and support. People have the option of calling or visiting in person or preparing on their own by accessing the information online. As a result, access to services and transparency has increased, while walk-ins and phone calls have decreased, freeing up staff's time.
AI Search and AI Voice both provide 24/7 after hours non-emergency support for the public to have their questions answered. AI Search pulls information from the Borough’s website, online processes and applications, as well as ordinances. If residents are working on a project in the evening or the weekend and want an answer instantly, they have the tools to do that. AI Search allows residents to ask a question - no need to know specific terms or what ordinance to search in - and receive an answer with the sources cited. If there's an online application on the website, it directs residents to the application.
AI Voice allows residents a way to access answers after-hours by talking over the phone. The AI system is capable of addressing most basic inquiries over the phone. As a result, when individuals need to follow up in person, they have already received answers to their fundamental questions and are now asking fewer and more specific questions. This improvement allows staff, such as the Building and Housing Director, to spend less time providing comprehensive explanations and focus more quickly on addressing specific inquiries. The benefit is that this enables the director to spend more time with the people who need to visit in person and on tasks like inspections.
Overall Prospect Park has had a significant 60% reduction in foot traffic and reduced calls calls which yields higher productivity for staff.
We’ve been getting positive feedback about Voice AI because it helps educate the public on how to maneuver through municipal services. We have also seen a significant reduction in terms of foot traffic in Borough Hall. This allows staff to focus on those who need assistance the most.

Intashan Chowdhury
24/7 Resident Support
50% of calls are Q & A
60% Reduction in Walk-ins
100% Searchable Documents
Processes & Implementations
“Prospect Park is embracing the future while ensuring safety and reliability by maintaining 100% control over the content of our search. Our partnership with Polimorphic and their AI technology reflects our dedication to providing cutting-edge services that cater to the evolving needs of our residents,”